Al Başrah


Qaḑā' az Zubayr
Qaḑā’ Abū al Khaşīb
Qaḑā’ al Başrah
Qaḑā’ al Qurnah

Region information

Region: Al Başrah
Time Zone: Asia/Baghdad
GMT/UTC: + 3  hours
DST: + 3  hours

*GMT/UTC - Standard Time Zone
*DST - Daylight Saving Time

Geographic information

Latitude in decimal degrees: 30.33333
Longitude in decimal degrees: 47.25
Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 30° 20' 60" North
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 47° 15' East
Height above sea level: 44 m,   144.36 ft,   1732.28 in
Geographical feature: A (Administrative region type feature)
Feature designation code: A.ADM1 (first-order administrative division)

*first-order administrative division - a primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States

Cities in region

Al Başrah
Al Başrat al Qadīmah
Az Zubayr
Umm Qaşr
Al Fāw
Al Hārithah
Abū al Ḩayyah
Abū al Karr
Abū al Khaşīb
Abū al Muḩammar
Abū as Sarjīl
Abū az Zūr
Abū Bushayr
Abū Diflah
Abū Fulūs
Abū Gharb
Abū Gharīb
Abū Khaḑrāwī
Abū Khā’ir
Abū Malīḩ
Abū Mālik
Abū Rafīsh
Abū Şakhr
Abū Shawlān
Abu Silāl
Abū Suwīlam al Janūb ...
Abū Ţarfah
Abū Ţuraydah
Abū ‘Arrān
Abū ‘Az̧īm
Abū ‘Iqāb
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