Ash Sharqīyah

Region information

Region: Ash Sharqīyah
Population: 323,915 inhabitants (Last modified: 7/02/2013 )
Time Zone: Asia/Muscat
GMT/UTC: + 4  hours
DST: + 4  hours

*GMT/UTC - Standard Time Zone
*DST - Daylight Saving Time

Geographic information

Latitude in decimal degrees: 21.65
Longitude in decimal degrees: 59.1
Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 21° 39' North
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 59° 6' East
Height above sea level: 138 m,   452.76 ft,   5433.07 in
Geographical feature: A (Administrative region type feature)
Feature designation code: A.ADM1 (first-order administrative division)

*first-order administrative division - a primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States

Cities in region

Abū Qal‘ah
Abū ‘Ukayshah
Ad Daffah
Al Ashkharah
Al Bulaydah
Al Ghalīlah
Al Ghayl
Al Ghomb
Al Ḩadd
Al Ḩaţm
Al Ḩumr
Al Jawābī
Al Jibā‘ī
Al Kāmil
Al Khabbah
Al Khaddah
Al Khutum
Al Maḩaţţah
Al Qārin
Al Qutaytīrah
Al Wāfī
An Nuqdah
Ar Ru’ays
As Saruwī
Aş Şulayb
As Suwayḩ
Ash Shāb
Ash Shubaykah
At Tawayb
Aţ Ţawīyān
Aţ Ţayī
Bandah Jadīdah
Bilād aş Şūr
Bilād Banī Bū Ḩasan
Bilād Banī Bū ‘Alī
Bi’r Birā’