

Central District
Haifa District
Jerusalem District
Northern District
Southern District
Tel Aviv

Country information

Country: Israel
Population: 7,353,985 inhabitants  (Last modified: 5/03/2013 )
Area 20,770 km²
Capital: Jerusalem
Currency: Shekel (ILS)
Phone code: +972
Languages: he,ar-IL,en-IL,
Domain name: .il
Postcode form: #####
Postcode regex: ^(\d{5})$
Neighbors: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territory, Syria
Fips: IS

Upcoming public holidays

Date Weekday Public holiday name Public holiday type
April 27 Saturday Pesach V (Passover) Observance and Hebrew holiday
April 28 Sunday Pesach VI (Passover) Observance and Hebrew holiday
April 29 Monday Pesach VII (Last day of Passover) National and Hebrew holiday
May 6 Monday Yom HaShoah/Holocaust Memorial Day Observance and Hebrew holiday
May 13 Monday Yom HaZikaron (Memorial Day) Observance and Hebrew holiday
May 14 Tuesday Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) National and Hebrew holiday
May 26 Sunday Lag B'Omer Jewish holiday
June 5 Wednesday Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) National and Hebrew holiday
June 11 Tuesday Erev Shavuot Observance, Hebrew
June 12 Wednesday Shavuot (Pentecost) National and Hebrew holiday
Show full list of public holidays

Geographic information

Latitude in decimal degrees: 31.5
Longitude in decimal degrees: 34.75
Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 31° 30' North
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 34° 45' East
Height above sea level: 168 m,   551.18 ft,   6614.18 in
Geographical feature: A (Administrative region type feature)
Feature designation code: A.PCLI (independent political entity)