Al Dhihar

Province information

Province: Al Dhihar
Time Zone: Asia/Aden
GMT/UTC: + 3  hours
DST: + 3  hours

*GMT/UTC - Standard Time Zone
*DST - Daylight Saving Time

Geographic information

Latitude in decimal degrees: 13.979
Longitude in decimal degrees: 44.1526
Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 13° 59' 44" North
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 44° 9' 9" East
Height above sea level: 2035 m,   6676.51 ft,   80118.15 in
Geographical feature: A (Administrative region type feature)
Feature designation code: A.ADM2 (second-order administrative division)

*second-order administrative division - a subdivision of a first-order administrative division

Cities in province of Al Dhihar

Aḑ Ḑubr
Akamat aş Şa‘fānī
Al Ghuraybah
Al Ḩammāmī
Al Kadāhī
Al Mishrāq
Al ‘Āriḑah al ‘Ulyā
Al ‘Āriḑah as Suflá
An Najd
As Sabal
Bayt al Wişābī
Buyūt al ‘Adan
Manzil Mash‘ūr
Mu‘āyin al Ghaythī