As Silw

Province information

Province: As Silw
Time Zone: Asia/Aden
GMT/UTC: + 3  hours
DST: + 3  hours

*GMT/UTC - Standard Time Zone
*DST - Daylight Saving Time

Geographic information

Latitude in decimal degrees: 13.3459
Longitude in decimal degrees: 44.2072
Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 13° 21' 45" North
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 44° 12' 26" East
Height above sea level: 1637 m,   5370.74 ft,   64448.85 in
Geographical feature: A (Administrative region type feature)
Feature designation code: A.ADM2 (second-order administrative division)

*second-order administrative division - a subdivision of a first-order administrative division

Cities in province of As Silw

Ad Dawmalah
Aḑ Ḑa‘ah
Adh Dhanīb
Akamat al Kalbayn
Al Adhmūr
Al Awrāth
Al A‘būq
Al Ghadīr
Al Ḩaqīb
Al Ḩūd
Al Ḩujar
Al Ḩussīyah
Al Julayb
Al Khalil
Al Manārah
Al Manşūrah
Al Qābilah
Al Ukhanī
Al ‘Aqqaybah
Al ‘Uzzir
Ar Rafşah
Aş Şayyār
Aş Şa‘īd
Aş Şuraym
Ash Sharaf
Az̧ Z̧ahrayn
Bayt al Qāḑī
Qaryat al Miqţār
Qaryat al ‘Adanah
Shi‘b al Awdīyah