
Province information

Province: Hays
Time Zone: Asia/Aden
GMT/UTC: + 3  hours
DST: + 3  hours

*GMT/UTC - Standard Time Zone
*DST - Daylight Saving Time

Geographic information

Latitude in decimal degrees: 13.9332
Longitude in decimal degrees: 43.4984
Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 13° 56' 60" North
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 43° 30' 54" East
Height above sea level: 221 m,   725.07 ft,   8700.79 in
Geographical feature: A (Administrative region type feature)
Feature designation code: A.ADM2 (second-order administrative division)

*second-order administrative division - a subdivision of a first-order administrative division

Cities in province of Hays

Ad Dimnah
Aḑ Ḑuraybah
Al Akbar
Al Fashsh
Al Ghubrah
Al Ḩā'iţ
Al Ḩab‘ī
Al Ḩāşibah
Al Ḩā’iţ
Al Ḩillah
Al Jarrah
Al Jurayb
Al Kadaḩah
Al Maqāni‘
Al Mikhrāf
Al Muqbil
Al Muşaybir
Al Qulmah
Al ‘Afādīyah
Al ‘Āmirīyah
Al ‘Ashjār
Al ‘Ukaysh
Al ‘Uqdah
An Nafsah
Ar Rākibah
Ar Rawn
Ar Ribāţ
As Sab‘ah
As Salāmah
As Sudd
Ash Sharj
Ash Shi‘b
Ash Shi‘bah
Bāb al Fajj
Bayt al Ḩashshāsh
Bayt al Ḩaymī
Bayt al Hudaysh
Bayt Baysh