Souk Ahras

Region information

Region: Souk Ahras
Population: 438,127 inhabitants (Last modified: 7/02/2013 )
Time Zone: Africa/Algiers
GMT/UTC: + 1  hour
DST: + 1  hour

*GMT/UTC - Standard Time Zone
*DST - Daylight Saving Time

Geographic information

Latitude in decimal degrees: 36.16667
Longitude in decimal degrees: 7.91667
Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 36° 10' 0" North
Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds: 7° 55' 0" East
Height above sea level: 805 m,   2641.08 ft,   31692.93 in
Geographical feature: A (Administrative region type feature)
Feature designation code: A.ADM1 (first-order administrative division)

*first-order administrative division - a primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States

Cities in region

Aït de Khedara
Bordiel el Hassane
Bordj du Cheïkh
Bordj M’Raou
Dar el Caïd
Dar Zouah Ali
El Beïda
Hammam Oulad Zaïd
Mechta Ameur
Mechta Bir el Hâdj e ...
Mechta Bir Sedra
Mechta Draa el Meten ...
Mechta el Guetaïfia
Mechta Gabel Rebta
Mechta Gharbi el Bia ...
Mechta Gouramzi
Mechta Guebel ‘Aïn
Mechta Hafer Maâla
Mechta Mechouicha
Mechta Medjez Ahmar
Mechta Medkour
Mechta Oued Abd en N ...
Mechta Oulad Kassem
Mechta Oulad Rajah
Mechta Oulad Sidi Ah ...
Mechta Râs et Trouch
Mechta Remadet el Ba ...
Mechta Remadia el Ba ...
Mechta Retbet Nouar
Mechta Rharbi et Tri ...
Mechta Rouiguet
Mechta Sidi Ameur
Mechta Sidi Maatalla ...